
In case you didn\'t notice

(This is dedicated to the fabulous mama, A3sab)

I was having somewhat of an identity crisis, and decided that a blog make-over is in order. Ya'll like my new look? I kept my initials, but changed my name to : Closet Diva, afterall, I am more of a 'closet diva' than I am a 'commercial delight' in real life...So I'm keepin it real.

In the spirit of keepin it real, yeah it sucks that we're blocked, but go to google, search for 'anonymous proxies' and get yourselves back into blogworld!


At Saturday, 21 January, 2006, Blogger don_veto said...

I am still here and I can see you. It's a real shame that captivating blogs like yours and others are blocked as if they where porn sites.

At Sunday, 22 January, 2006, Blogger Entrepreneur said...

such is the democracy that we live in

At Sunday, 22 January, 2006, Blogger Purgatory said...

so your gay?

At Sunday, 22 January, 2006, Blogger A3sab said...


At Sunday, 22 January, 2006, Blogger Closet Diva said...

Thanks Don V :)...the problem is over now, thank God

they blocked access to all blogspot domains but now its all good. 'They' as in the fastelco internet provider, who received their last paycheck from my house this month!

dude, with the kind of khama that live in this country, I would be scared shitless if we DID have a democracy. Khaleena 3ala hal 7ala wayid a7saan!

enta al7een wiya wayhik, min wain yibt "gay"???? Ma tisti7y min nafsik?? :p Seriously Purg, I think everyone knows that "closet" means confidential or private, or even repressed. But it does not mean homosexuality! ;-0 (y3nee imbaawwzaah)

your da bomb

At Sunday, 22 January, 2006, Blogger Purgatory said...

so you are repressed because you are gay?

closet diva is another term for drag queen, so what I said made sense.

anything else you want to rant about closet gurl?

At Sunday, 22 January, 2006, Blogger MiYaFuSHi said...

That is such a great new nick!!

I think many many girls in q8 HAVE to be closet diva's due to stupid society rules!


At Sunday, 22 January, 2006, Blogger Closet Diva said...

well well well. I didn't know purg possessed sophisticated knowledge in pop culture ENOUGH to know the uncommon uses of the expression 'closet diva'. Who knows? Perhaps he aspires to be one in his life some day! Good luck with that, Purg, be sure to let us know how your contemplated future drag queen thing works out for ya.

Now that I've made my well wishes, lets get down to business: when you delusionally attempted to show off your pop culture knowledge by asking me if "i'm gay",you neglected to bear in mind that i'm in fact a FEMALE, and that drag queens are usually MALE, and hence you made a not so cute ass of yourself. You see, the homosexual connotation of the expression "closet diva" would not apply on a female. Instead, the literal meaning of "closet diva" is employed for females, and it would mean 'a secret, behind the doors, confidential, diva'. Get the point? Cuz I really can't break it down any simpler than this!

Of course, I'm not gonna rant about your obsessive hankering to throw in sexually charged comments on my blog (please refer to previous posts to refresh your memory), so I'll save it for the next time you decide to be cheeky. In the meantime, I suggest you try therapy. :-)
It might help you tone down all that bursting online sexual behavior of yours. :P

At Sunday, 22 January, 2006, Blogger Purgatory said...

its interesting how a non related comment makes you people think, and what is more interesting is that you thought what i said in my second comment was true :)

As for my sexual comments, I say, what sexual comments :)?

At Sunday, 22 January, 2006, Blogger Closet Diva said...

Purg: you're just jealous my name is hotter than yours :p

At Monday, 23 January, 2006, Blogger Purgatory said...

of course its hotter since you are trapped in your closet all this time :P

At Monday, 23 January, 2006, Blogger Spontaneousnessity said...

hehe it's funny how people think =} .. bs why were you blocked!? shemsawya =P e3tarfay! 3adi we won't judge you.. or will we..

At Monday, 23 January, 2006, Blogger Closet Diva said...

a guy that barely speaks english is giving me a vocabulary lesson on my blog...now thats rich!

where have you been sweetie? Fastelco blocked ALL blogs on blogspot, not just mine!

At Monday, 23 January, 2006, Blogger Entrepreneur said...

meow... gettin nasty over here...

At Monday, 23 January, 2006, Blogger Closet Diva said...

I'm glad that the final consensus is that my name is TIGHT, and haters will just have to deal with it.


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