
Worlds Apart

One of the unfortunate results of going to a third world country is experiencing the warm, shockingly genuine, sweet natured people that totally melt your cynicism away and restore your good belief in humanity.

And boy, I am so mad that happened to me!

Having just immersed myself into the cultural kindness of simple minded country folk for a while, and emerged as an affected easily moved and touched human being, I feel I am so unprepared for the real world right now. Maybe I need to go spend a week in NYC to roughen myself up, and retrieve my raw bitchiness and my bitter cynicism, because frankly, I'm not comfortable being so buoyant, and would really like this rosy attitude of mine (that has suddenly descended upon me) to wear off, preferably today.


At Wednesday, 11 January, 2006, Blogger Delicately Realistic said...

Hehehe :P
3idich mbarak luv!

At Wednesday, 11 January, 2006, Blogger A3sab said...

dear you dont have to go to NYC to get over it in fact you dont have to set a foot outside kuwait for that matter.

#eedich umbarak

At Friday, 13 January, 2006, Blogger Entrepreneur said...

Welcome home... in fact, welcome back to your reality :)

So CD, yalla, mita al zawaj?


At Friday, 13 January, 2006, Blogger Closet Diva said...

3eedich embarak :)

I was semi serious, semi sarcastic, and semi joking (I guess). I know its beautiful to be idealistic and positive, and I try to hold on to that despite everything :)

But it is hard to assumme good intentions without being niave..and sometimes, being around down-to-earth people can taint your vision.

hala wala ib DR!! 3eedich imbarark habiti

heheh, that cracked me up. ee walah 9ajah, all i have to do is set foot out of my house, and mix with the hamaj out there. Thanks, but I'd rather exist in my own protected world.

Look who's here!! Ba3dain allah yehadak, min wain yibt mawthoo3 il zawaj??

At Sunday, 15 January, 2006, Blogger Entrepreneur said...


im sure its on all the family and friends lips ;)


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