Understanding cultures through literature
So...how do Iraqies sing about love????
"ya 7aya yum rassain, 6ubi ib jederhum
Simmay ahal il bait, bas khali waladhum"
translation: Oh snake of two heads, plunge into their cooking pots
poison the entire household, except for my lover
They say that through music and poetry, you get a glimpse of the underlying character of the society.
Despite its malicious nature and violent language, I really love this song (from darb il zalag) !!
I stumbled across your blog one day while reading about my friend's travels...you are so entertaining. I have officially bookmarked you and will come back often to read more. Keep writing. I love reading your entries.
P.S. Are you really in Kuwait?
I am now convinced that the Klingon mating ritual (a la Star Trek) is based on that of the Iraqi's... where sex isn't sex unless someone almost dies and there is a blood filled gory battle leading up to the ultimate goal (ahem)...
bal bal bal..... ;p
CD : Are you sure that this song is from darb il zalag ? If so who was singing it ?
NB :Please be reminded that most of the famous rich kuwaiti families have already came from Iraq long time ago & your family might have been one of them !
Thats why you like Iraqies songs !!!!
p :
I want the mp3 so that I can listen to it on my ipod.
Lal3an aboo hal qi6aar laboo 7arakatoo...
Oy Oy Dalal.
No further comment.
ooo i love this song "elyoum lah youmain ma marr 3alaya, emnaiin ajeebah emnaiin ye93ab 3alaiiya .. ymken mn3ooh haleh .. "
i just love how u write
3ragy they don`t know anything in their entier life than KILLING
i am seriously addicted to ur blog now :)
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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