
Broadway in Kuwait

In my humble experience at a government institution, I thought I had seen it all. From the egotisical and overpowered to the frustrated and underpaid, the unmotivated and underworked to the stressed out and overlooked. I've seen it all, so I thought. But there ain't nothing like the sight of a room full of middle aged men engaging in fierce verbal combat bombing away atrocious insults and ego lacerating accusations from across the table.

Aye, the plot does thicken. For in this room only one woman is honored with front row seats to this theatrical event, under the prime responsiblity of documenting this meeting; the details of which will be later incorporated in a monumentally grand "Official Report".

So in this historical boardroom from which I will gather the necessary developments for the "Official Report", I planked a tent as far as Switzerland and declared neutrality even before the ensuement of war. I am not there to take sides and participate, nor am I there as the United Nations to regulate. I am simply there to witness and record. Mouth shut, but eyes wide open.

The dogfight commenced almost as instantly as the shut of the door. Spittle was flying in the air hands clenched into tight fists and frighteningly intense glares emitted pungent radiation. Then came the offending statement of outrageous splendor:


Immediately, the offender apologetically turned to me as the only woman in the room, along with all the other men to check that I hadn't broken into a 100,000,000 fragile pieces for hearing such revoltingly foul language. A short moment of silence commanded the room during this stare-down, and I felt obligated to fake a look of disgruntlement expressing severe displeasure that my feminine virgin ears were subjected to such horrid articulations.
Ok, so I frowned. Can we get on with the show already? Nay. The silence lingered. And it resonated into stillness. I supposed the men needed a moment or two to collect unstable thoughts and mentally prepare more cordial insults. While I don't really care if they curse their mothers out till the break of dawn, I was glad to have a few minutes to rest my hand violently exhuasted from furious writing. As soon as I put the pen down to enjoy a momentary relief, a hollering scream was fired from across the room:
"CD! !! You are supposed to write this"

I am sweating in a simmering pool of moritification, humiliation and utter embarassment. Did he really have to say my name and give me a role into this mess? For God's sake, be a man and shoot your fire at the actual enemy, not at neutral Switzerland, quietly participating as the gentle audience! Well, I suppose something was needed to break the awkward silence, and in matters of war, what better way to re-instigate the fire than dragging the neutral parties into the heated pit. No one can really ever enjoy complete neutrality, can they?

So no worries, I moved on, reconciling myself with the fact that is was a nominal price to pay to witness such grand A+ , first class entertainment; better than any Ramadan soap opera on TV or silly Qurgai3an antic. Alas, the thirst for real theatre and fine drama is now finally, satisfyingly, quenched!


At Sunday, 30 October, 2005, Blogger don_veto said...

That is nothing, you should see them in the Diwaniyah where you have a regular victim there and y6'ugtoonah.

At Sunday, 30 October, 2005, Blogger Entrepreneur said...

hehehe i shall reply tomorrow...

this warrants closer attention

At Sunday, 30 October, 2005, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

Ahh...switzerland...that's how tough it is to be neutral...and sooner or later..somehow switzerland may just be accused of strategizing the whole conspiracy!

I live in a home were (thank God) communication is kept at a medium to low level...no shouting unless we have to call the maid...you should've seen my face when I had to attend the National Assembly when they'd been discussing whether to give women their rights...the shouting and the screaming and the hitting with table...I had my mouth wide open and I was scared shitless...I've never gotten used to shouting and it always scares me...I honestly thought the world had come to an end when I heard them screaming like that...all on TV too!!! Like you said...the perfect Broadway Show!...

At Sunday, 30 October, 2005, Blogger Temetwir said...

estaanast ana awal shay a7asbech tekalemain 3an majlis el omah :/

"I felt obligated to fake a look of disgruntlement expressing severe displeasure that my feminine virgin ears were subjected to such horrid articulations"

^ lol

At Sunday, 30 October, 2005, Blogger Delicately Realistic said...

A short moment of silence commanded the room during this stare-down, and I felt obligated to fake a look of disgruntlement expressing severe displeasure that my feminine virgin ears were subjected to such horrid articulations.

Loved it!

At Sunday, 30 October, 2005, Blogger A3sab said...

very amusing...
you should have told them all yakloon 7'arah umhom ...then you should have walked out. ibthimmitich isH-HAL MUSTAWA.were they kidding around or did he actually mean to offend the other person.
shay 3'areeb 3ajeeb wallah

At Sunday, 30 October, 2005, Blogger Closet Diva said...

Don V,
No fair!! Women should be allowed to go to Diwaniyas.

hehh Entrep, am waiting...

Miss CK,
Eee neurtrality is hard to maintain, nobody wants you to bulletproof your ass completely.

I don't get to see people screaming at each other that often either, so when I saw it at work, well..my stomach roared with excitement.

Ma boy T,
Il majlis is too X-rated for my fragile ears. Shway shway let me take it step by step.

You should have been there, you would soo relate to this! They were all staring at me...enzain ana shako?

9akat hosha ow dakheloony wiyahum bil dar! They did mind their language throughout it all, except for that little slip-up.

At Sunday, 30 October, 2005, Blogger Evil Knievel said...

Hey, next time i want to see pictures! :P

At Monday, 31 October, 2005, Blogger Entrepreneur said...

...and the crowd go wild with CD's latest escapade...

Wow, and you would think that grown men would be able to debate or discuss whatever differences they have sensibly and with professionalism. Ohhhh nooo... wait a sec... we're talking about our government here. Shame on them, not for using foul language, but for being such ridiculously unprofessional people. Who knows, maybe if they were unprofessional geniuses then we could cut them some slack... bess i fear they arent!

Neither Genius nor Professional... only one role left for them, tea boys! The whole fuckin' lot o' 'em

:D woohoo that was fun

At Monday, 31 October, 2005, Blogger Bravecat said...

This sounds so much like Greek parliament meetings... Lots of angry overfed men all shouting at the same time. I could never understand the need to shout when the audience is right in front of you. A quiet word is a stronger weapon, but I guess you must have uttered a few quiet words while "documenting" the meeting. I can almost imagine the whole event in a series of comic cartoons...


At Monday, 31 October, 2005, Blogger Desert Girl said...

This is the first time I've visited your blog. I love it! You are so funny.

I occassionally have to take minutes of meetings also. Girl - buy yourself a digital recorder. 40 kd at the Sony store and it will make your life unbelievably comfortable! Plus - you can keep digital voice data records on your PC in archived format incase anyone ever comes back and says, "I didn't say that." If they want - the dirty words can easily be edited out. For $179, www.thespystore.com has a digital recorder in the form of a pen. Dudes don't have to know you're recording.

At Monday, 31 October, 2005, Blogger Closet Diva said...

"and the crowd go wild with CD's latest escapade"

What can I say? Fame is da bomb indeed..

Evil Knivel,
I thought about putting pictures, really I would love to. Because I would love to get my ass fired and burned.

Thank u Samboose XX

Q Cat,
Screaming fits amongst men is quite common in Mediteranean cultures.
But add hungry-from-fasting bellies and government employees into the equation and you'll have

Girl, you have no idea how excited i am about spystore. Thanx for the link.

At Monday, 31 October, 2005, Blogger Evil Knievel said...

Hmmm ... nope ... that would not be worth it!
Who would write blogs about it then??
But maybe you should follow amerab's advice ... if you are willing to share i pay half of it ... :P ... I could use it in my office as well.

At Monday, 31 October, 2005, Blogger Evil Knievel said...

Hey ... without repeating such horrid articulations like stated from that guy...
my limited arab vocab (mostly know only bad words) tells me that this means eat shit .... sah?!
Is this the best they can do??? Nothing worse then this??

At Monday, 31 October, 2005, Blogger Bravecat said...

Oh yeah I forgot about that... Hmmm... Lol
Probably our politicians could benefit from some moderate fasting. But nooo you can actually see those in the back rows (who don't join in the shouting) munching sandwiches. Then when they finish unching they replace exhaused front row spit fighters and the show goes on.


At Monday, 31 October, 2005, Blogger Closet Diva said...

Evil K,
The insult "kil khara" was not a big deal, yet the reaction was dramatic...thats what I was poking fun at.

Qatar C,
*Sigh* when will politicians ever be civilised?

Hahahah yeah I was dying to hear more cuss words, but they controlled themselves.

At Monday, 31 October, 2005, Blogger Bravecat said...

CD: Not in my lifetime, not in my country, that's for sure.

At Tuesday, 01 November, 2005, Blogger Closet Diva said...

q8tyshareef, heheh..stop stalking me dude.

At Tuesday, 01 November, 2005, Blogger Entrepreneur said...

q8tshareef the ass makes another appearance... tada! wheres the carrot, lets lead this one out of here...

At Wednesday, 02 November, 2005, Blogger Closet Diva said...

Entrep ! Couldn't have said it any better...

At Wednesday, 02 November, 2005, Blogger Closet Diva said...

Q8tyShit: heheh..Tara ma 3indy mani3 afthi7ik.


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