

Mabrook 7al Majlis Il Ommah. (congratulations on parliament being dissolved)

Kuwait stock market is up 150 points.

Doam inshallah! (if only this would be permanent!)



At Sunday, 21 May, 2006, Blogger don_veto said...

I stopped tracking the stock market after I lost a little on it, 150 points, looks like a vote of confidence.

At Sunday, 21 May, 2006, Blogger don_veto said...

I stopped tracking the stock market after I lost a little on it, 150 points, looks like a vote of confidence.

At Sunday, 21 May, 2006, Blogger Closet Diva said...

it certainly shows how the public feels about Parliament :D

At Monday, 22 May, 2006, Blogger familiar_stranger said...

I never understood why it is acceptable in the constitution that our parliament can be dissolved and disbanded at any time by the government. What's more laughable is the reason for this recent one. Why can't they just put "whatever" up to vote and decide? the idea that it was disbanded because they couldn't reach a decision is just stupid! as a body of decision making it fails "completely" when they use such an excuse. The losers can't handle the defeat ya3ne?

What a laughable democracy we have :)

Just comes to show that after all is said and done, Kuwaitis still don't know how to BE democratic. Watching them scream and shout at each other and grimace in disdain whenever one hears something he doesn't like, and standing and speaking out of turn and on and on.. the people have to become more civil before they accept the will of the majority. imho. And lets remember those PMs are "us", we chose them and they represent "us". So it is "us" who need to be more civilized. Just thought to add that coz the ongoing fashion these days is to point at the PMs and blame "them" for everything wrong.

At Monday, 22 May, 2006, Blogger Spontaneousnessity said...

yey =}

At Monday, 22 May, 2006, Blogger Closet Diva said...

Intersting that you interpret me this way. :P

But I assure you that my joy has more to do with my skepticism towards our Parliament.

welcome to my blog. I'm not a financial analyst, so I can't give you an accurate explanation :p

About Parliament, obviously I have little faith in that circus considering what little it has done to advance my country. Not to mention the alarming corruption it has bred amongst fake religious zealots. I'm sure you are well aware on how our 'democracy' has enhanced the bank accounts of many non-worthy individuals, on the back of our social welfare programs. Kuwait is better off without a Parliament.

the ability of dissolving parliament just shows you how powerless Parliament really is when it comes down to business.

But I disagree with your statement "those MPs are us"
Not all MPs are us. Some are in their position because of their money (buying votes), others are there because of their tribes, and many are there because they perform special favors, "wastas" to their voters. Dirty MPs don't represent me or their people, they represent their own personal benefits, bank accounts, companies, and egos. Only few MPs are clean and honest, and sadly, they are few!

At Tuesday, 23 May, 2006, Blogger Closet Diva said...

The functions of Parliament that "conscentious citizens" do not wanna give up are very valuable..in theory! But in practise they have proven to be disastrous in the socioeconomic development of Kuwait.

You seem to have a conspiracy theory on how the "regime" has a role in the infested corruption. But I believe that democracy does not work in tribal cultures, period. Individuals are more likely to serve the benefit of their tribes and families rather than the greater good of the population.

With the 5 districts it may eradicate this discrepancy. However I fear that with 5, the liberals will lose their power, paving the way for a more influential "islamists"

As for your rhetorical question :P..my accurate explanation is that enta 9akait il bor9a 3ain, bas ma3aliak, il yoom qarait il mu3awithaat :D

At Tuesday, 23 May, 2006, Blogger Fascinacion said...

hey girl!
tried calling you but couldn't get through you... will try later

At Tuesday, 23 May, 2006, Blogger Closet Diva said...

Thank you Zade.

That was very enlightening (and disturbing).

Perhaps when Kuwait runs out of oil, society will be forced to be modern and integrated enough to handle democracy properly, and install the ideal "concientous regime" that Kuwait deserves. But I don't know if its ready for it now. I fear it would turn into a tribal Talibani mess.

As for your Sena3at request, I'm afraid I have to put you on a waiting list. The summer is very high season for these 6alabiyaat :P

At Wednesday, 24 May, 2006, Blogger Closet Diva said...

Whats the matter Zade, do my shoes intimidate you?

Khalas baba, wala yihimik, bachir adizlik DHL Manolo Blahniks 3alashin ma ti7tar :P

cham zayoodi 3indina?

At Wednesday, 24 May, 2006, Blogger Closet Diva said...

3afya thaqafa.

At Wednesday, 24 May, 2006, Blogger Closet Diva said...

daaam innik maat3arif, laat 3ayib! Fashaltnaa.

At Wednesday, 24 May, 2006, Blogger Hope said...

You are smart , way to go girl!

At Wednesday, 24 May, 2006, Blogger Hope said...

Temper my friend , Temper !!!

At Wednesday, 24 May, 2006, Blogger Closet Diva said...

merci Hope xxx



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