
Wall Street II

Hands down Gordon Gekko is my favourite character in all movie history, and nobody can do it better than Micheal Douglas. I am so thrilled to learn that there will be a Wall Street part II in light of recent market events.
I really hope they bring in some good writers for the sequel, and Gordon's character will be just as fierce, if not more than the original. Some of my favourite quotes from this fierce, sexy, unforgiving wall street hotshot:
"Greed is good"
"if you need a friend, get a dog"

"whats worth doing is worth doing for money"
"lunch is for wimps"
"ever wonder why fund managers can't beat the S&P 500? Because they're sheep and sheep get slaughtered!"


At Thursday, 30 April, 2009, Blogger MiYaFuSHi said...

I resent the last statement! :P

At Saturday, 02 May, 2009, Blogger don_veto said...

That movie was entertaining but had a lot of fictitious things that could never happen on wall street but it was romanticized for the viewing public.

If you want to read about the real happenings inside a trading firm like Salomon Brothers, I recommend Liar's Poker. I posted about it a few years back:


At Monday, 04 May, 2009, Blogger 1001Nights said...

LOL @ Miyafushi's comment :)

I like the second one best.

At Wednesday, 06 May, 2009, Blogger Closet Diva said...

1001 nites

I'm kinda surprised you liked the second one :p because I think of you as a blushing spring flower very untainted from the ruthlessness of humanity !!

At Thursday, 07 May, 2009, Blogger 1001Nights said...

LOL That's hardly the case darling. Though I may occasionally blush I've been subjected to the ruthlessness of humanity much too often to deny its existence. Having said that, I liked the second one not because of its meaning but rather because of its humor. In truth, I hate dogs and I think my friends rock :D

At Monday, 25 May, 2009, Blogger sanely insane said...

now thats a thought

At Tuesday, 21 July, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1001nights may have been subjected to the ruthlessness of humanity. yet she remains untainted by it. that's her beauty.


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